Friday, April 27, 2007

Announcing Green & Orange Pie!

New Blog!

Prep Work

So I'm renaming this blog to post at and the new one will replace the old location


The move to the house is only a few days away. I am playing around with different new names for this blog. It's still fun to read the GF blogs, so I'm keeping them linked for now. I think I've got the new name ready.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Playoff Hockey

One thing I do miss about NoDak is CBC and Hockey Night in Canada. It's playoff time, and I do get to see games on VS, but I'm usually working during the NBC telecasts. If I had Tivo, I could watch the game when I got home. Will have to see about that once I get the house settled.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Road Rage and Bad Drivers

A really bad episode of road rage occurred Wednesday on 270 near Frederick. Two people ended up dying after being ejected from their rolling vehicle. They weren't wearing their seat belts. Apparently, an angry driver put on his breaks right in front of the couple, and they swerved to avoid him.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


So, this past week was spent looking at houses. We made an offer on a house and it's looking good so far. Eventually, photos will be coming and I'll rename my blog to something more Maryland-ish.