Sunday, February 25, 2007

Slushy Snow Today

It had looked like a freezing rain and sleet event, but it turned into snow today. When I left for work this morning, there was light freezing rain. A band of heavy precipitation dynamically cooled the atmosphere swiftly during the morning, allowing for all snow to fall. It was close to an inch-per-hour snow rate. Visibility was less than a mile at times.

When I went for lunch, there were already 1 to 2 inches accumulated. Streets were in pretty good shape for the most part. A few slick spots made for some interesting maneuvers. By the time the snow had ceased, we had anywhere from 4 to 6 inches on the ground. Deep enough for the dog to romp around some and deep enough to break out the big boots.

Parking lots became mushy piles of slush this evening. We also had some additional light rain (close to freezing rain... temperatures were hovering around 32) that helped create those puddles. It has stopped precipitating, although there may be a few sprinkles or flurries hanging around tonight.

So, we have snow cover once again! It will probably stay around for a while, but it has a much higher water content than the last snow, so if we really do hit the 40s this week, more puddles of water are in store.

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